Medal of The Year Award 2023

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-> Here you will find results, report (press release), nominations, Statute of the Medal of the Year Award

– 31.3.2024 – accepting nominations
– 15-31.5.2024 – online public voting
– May 2024 – exhibition of nominated medals
– 6.6.2024 – award ceremony at National Bank of Slovakia, Congress Hall (invited guests)
– 7.6.2024 10:30 – announcement of the results for the public + drawing of prize winners (Bratislava Collectors Days in Incheba in the stand of the Slovak Numismatic Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences)

Thank you for your interest in the 1st award Medal of the Year 2023, organised in public poll (survey) by the non-profit Medal Club, after
a successful pilot award for year 2022.

1. Nominations can submit anyone using the form (closed).
(click to expand)

Medal Nomination Conditions:
medal has been issued/created in the last year (2023),
by a Slovak author or made in Slovakia or with a Slovak theme,
multiple identical pieces were created (by striking/minting, casting, …)
dimensions min. 37 mm and max. 200 mm in one dimension,
it is not a coin (legal tender with currency and denomination),
a table medal (not hanging on a ribbon)

In your nomination for the Medal of the Year 2023, please specify:
basic identification details: name of the medal, name of author(s), manufacturer, customer, material(s) (all known variants – designs and finishes, such as patinated tombac, silver-plated tombac, bronze, silver, copper, …), mintage (number of pieces), dimensions (in mm), method of production (striking/minting, casting, …), as well as additional information such as a description of the medal or other interesting information.
an accompanying photograph of the obverse and reverse, if applicable

2. Voting – anyone can select from the nominations by voting on online form (ran 15-31.5.2024)

From all voters with a valid email address, we will randomly selected winners who received exciting prizes donated to the poll by: Mincovňa Kremnica, š. p., Česká mincovna SK, s.r.o., Medailérsky klub, o.z., Numizmatika Kremnica s.r.o., NUMIZMATIK.EU (Design-Atelier s.r.o., Kremnica)

We thank for nominations, providing information and cooperation:
Mincovňa Kremnica, š.p. (Ms. Koreňová), Česká mincovna SK, s.r.o. (Ms. Fülöpová), Slovak Art Medal Society (Ms. Gabriela Gáspárová-Illéšová), Numizmatika Kremnica s.r.o. (Mr. Zobek), Slovenská numizmatická spoločnosť pri SAV – pobočka Bratislava (Mr. Pavol Puškáš, chairman), Slovak Numismatic Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences – branch Martin, Slovak Numismatic Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences – branch Trnava (Mr. Ondrej Lietavec), Slovak Numismatic Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences – branch Banská Bystrica (Mr. Michal Dóša, chairman), Museum of Coins and Medals in Kremnica (Mr. Juraj Hirčák, curator of the medal collection), Slovak Design Center (Mr. Maroš Schmidt, director), National Bank of Slovakia, Incheba, a.s. (Ms. Urbančoková), NUMIZMATIK.EU (Design-Atelier s.r.o., Kremnica) (Ms. Weissová), Burza mincí (Mr. Radim Václavík) and others

Thank you!

Results of the public poll

A total of 770 votes decided as follows

1. Beekeeping Heritage (Milan Kožuch) – 193 votes
2. European Order of the Knights of Wine in Slovakia, 20th anniversary (academic sculptor Marián Polonský) – 186 votes
3. The Masaryks in Turiec (Štefan Novotný, idea Vladimír Bullo) – 104 votes
4. Centenary of the visit of the first Czechoslovak president Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk to the Kremnica Mint (Branislav Ronai) – 100 votes
5. Austro-Hungarian empress Maria Theresa on the Great Seal and the celebration of her coronation (Drahomír Zobek) – 63 votes
6. Slovak painter Ladislav Medňanský (Branislav Ronai) – 60 votes

Further, the following medal works participated:
Aqua (academic painter Daniel Brunovský) – 31 votes
Octogenarian of Marián Polonský (Štefan Novotný, idea Peter Kočvara) – 42 votes
Treasures of Ancient Civilizations IV – Crete, Mycenae, Minoan and Mycenaean Cultures (academic sculptor Ľudmila Cvengrošová) – 26 votes
Duke Pribina / Pribina’s celebration in Nitra 1933-2023 (sculptor Ján Koniarek) – 45 votes
Artist versus Artificial Intelligence (academic sculptor Alojz Drahoš) – 40 votes
Set of medals Personalities of IT technologies – Steve Jobs and Richard Marko (academic sculptor Alojz Drahoš) – 46 votes
Spartak Trnava, hundred years of football in Trnava 1923-2023 ( Mário Slezák) – 46 votes
Holy Mother Teresa of Calcutta (academic sculptor Michal Gavula) – 28 votes
Homunculus Paracelsus Alchymist (Mgr. art. Miroslav Hric, ArtD.) – 36 votes
Maximilian Ducat SK 2023 (Veronika Prokopová, DiS.) – 16 votes
Escape 023 (docent academic sculptor Gabriela Gáspárová-Illéšová) – 11 votes
Michal Miloslav Hodža – Štúrovci (Mgr. art. Martin Sabol) – 17 votes
Set of silver medals (year 2023) – Folk culture of Slovakia – costumes (Oščadnica, Čičmany, Rybany) (Mgr. art. Roman Lugár) – 40 votes
Tales of the Earth – Drought (Mgr. art. Roman Lugár) – 35 votes
Sculpture of the Immaculate Virgin Mary in Košice – Plague Columns – Stone Witnesses of Victory over Epidemics (Mgr. art. Roman Lugár) – 14 votes
Ján Chryzostom Cardinal Korec – Christ the Light of the World (Archbishop of Nitra) (Dr.h.c. doc. akad. sculptor Alexander Vika) – 9 votes
Enthronement medal of the Archbishop of Prague Jan Graubner (Karel Zeman) – 17 votes

Heritage won
The theme of heritage has become an unwritten theme of this year’s edition, as several medallists’ works directly dealt with the theme of heritage, be it the beekeeping one on the winning medal, or also on the runner-up medal from Marián Polonský paying tribute to wine and knightly traditions, but it is also another medal dedicated to our medallist, sculptor and ceramist, again Marián Polonský, whose main theme is heritage – in the Old Slavonic nasliedie, on medal inscribed in ninth-century Glagolitic script, heritage in the meaning of the spiritual legacy of the ancestors and traditions that Polonský upholds and wishes to pass on to future generations through his work, his thoughts and ideas – to be worthy of following in work, in thinking, in ideas.

So in the public poll, people clearly chose the theme of heritage, both beekeeping and winemaking, as well as chivalry: The first medal became Beekeeping Heritage by one of Slovak best and most productive medal makers, the almost 80-year-old Milan Kožuch (1944), who devoted his entire working life to the creative work of a medal maker at the Kremnica Mint, where he created countless beautiful medals. Behind the creation of the medal stood the Secondary Vocational School SOŠ pod Bánosom, Banská Bystrica and the Slovak Numismatic Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences – Banská Bystrica branch.

The second, that achieved only few votes less, was the commemorative medal for the 20th anniversary of the European Order of the Knights of Wine in Slovakia by academic sculptor Marián Polonský (1943). With an diameter of 80 mm, the struck medal is dominated on the obverse by St. George, the dragon slayer, and on the reverse by the motifs of the Order, whose Slovak consulate in small wine-growing town Pezinok near capital Bratislava celebrated its anniversary and whose history is based on the tradition of the Knightly Order of St. George from 1333, in the second period from 1468 and from 1984 in the third period, when the Habsburgs handed over the Knightly Order of St. George to the ORDO EQUESTRIS VINI EUROPAE, which, in addition to upholding of Christian values, is also a cultural institution whose principles consolidate friendship and peace between communities.

The third place went to the rectangular plaque The Masaryks in Turiec by the Kremnica medallist Štefan Novotný (1954), the design of which was created by Vladimír Bullo, the chairman of the Slovak Numismatic Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences – Martin branch. The Masaryk presidential family had a family residence in the village of Bystrička near Martin, and they not only visited Turiec, but also contributed financially to a number of construction activities: they contributed to the school in Bystrička, in Martin, in Mošovce, etc. Daughter of the first Czechoslovak president Alice Garrigue Masaryk also contributed donations to the collection fund of the Slovak National Museum in Martin. As the president of the Czechoslovak Red Cross and vice-president of the Slovak Women’s Association Živena in Martin, she supported the establishment of the Milan Rastislav Štefánik Institute in Martin.

The next place was also taken by a medal with the first Czechoslovakian president Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk on the 100th anniversary of his visit to the Kremnica Mint by the mint’s studio medalist Branislav Ronai (1985). It was the first visit of a representative of the interwar Czechoslovak Republic and the highest representative of the state after more than 70 years. The last visit at the highest level took place in 1852, when Emperor Franz Joseph I visited Kremnica. President T. G. Masaryk was also very popular in Slovak society in general and his unexpected arrival represented one of the most rare visits in the entire history of Kremnica and especially the Kremnica Mint.

The medal Maria Theresa on the Great Seal and the ceremony of her coronation by Drahomír Zobek from Numizmatika Kremnica s.r.o. followed: “I have had the idea of depicting rulers on historical seals in my head for several years. The large seals of rulers appealed to me with their detailed decorative decoration. When I first obtained a drawing and an impression of the seal of Maria Theresa, I decided to try using her motif on one side of the intended medal.”

However, other medals were also a success and received positive feedback, such as the interesting Aqua cast medal from the freestyle artwork of Daniel Brunovský, son of the famous Slovak painter Albín Brunovský, with his unique style, which can be characterised as Baroque Surrealism.

Or another, already mentioned medal for the 80th birthday (octogenarian) of Marián Polonský, which was dedicated by Medailérsky klub to this important and respected medallist, also the author of the second placed medal for European Order of the Knights of Wine. The author of the idea and the initiator of the medal was the chairman of this non-profit organisation and also the organiser of the Medal of the Year award Peter Kočvara:
“In addition to the perfect portrait by Štefan Novotný, who is personal friends with Marián Polonský, the medal is also characterised by a rich artistic composition that points to Polonský’s life story through scenes from his work. The central inscription nasliedie in ninth-century Glagolitic script, which means heritage in Old Slavonic, is also noteworthy and was created after a discussion between several academics and experts in Old Slavonic and Glagolitic, prof. Pavol Žigo (Ľudovít Štúr Institute of Linguistics, Slovak Academy of Sciences), prof. Peter Žeňuch (Ján Stanislav Institute of Slavistics at the Slovak Academy of Sciences), doc. Elena Krejčová (Department of Slavonic Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno) and ThDr. Vladimír Kocvár (Faculty of Orthodox Theology, University of Prešov). The medal also features a technologically interesting and unique rounded and gold-plated edge. “The aim was to achieve a medal that would also be a kind of jewellery and after long consultations with the Kremnica Mint technologist, Mr. Tomáš Turošík, the challenging realization was achieved. It is the result of the craftsmanship and skills of our medal tradition and therefore I am sorry that Mr. Turošík, after almost 12 years of great work at the Mint, had to look for employment elsewhere.”

Although the quantity and quality of the artwork of the participating medals and plaques suggest that Slovak medal making is enjoying its golden era, the reality is less cheerful, as Slovakia have recently lost the opportunity to educate future medal makers.
So this exceptional and over 500-year tradition of medal production in soon 700 year old Kremnica Mint should not soon become a thing of the past, as we are also experiencing problems and a decline in quality in medal production, when many long-standing and experienced professional workers are leaving our oldest mint, and it is not a good sign that the sparse ranks of graduated and erudite medal experts have to leave the curator of the medal collection of the Museum of Coins and Medals in Kremnica, Mr. Juraj Hirčák, at the same time a part-time archivist of the Kremnica Mint, who also prepared the accompanying materials for the medal participating in this year’s 100th anniversary of the visit of President T. G. Masaryk to the Kremnica Mint by the outstanding medallist of the Mint’s studio Branislav Ronai and was originally supposed to say a few informed words about this exceptional medal at the ceremony.

Therefore we have to hope that, despite the currently difficult and unfavourable situation in production and, above all, the pessimistic prospects for Slovak medal making, this negative trend will be reversed and the situation stabilised, with the aim of preserving this unique cultural heritage and passing it on to future generations, just as we have taken it over from our ancestors.
However, something needs to be done to achieve this, and this is precisely the mission of the nonprofit organisation Medailérsky klub and this Medal of the Year award is also intended to help achieve this. However, it will be needed, that all competent people and all those who care about the preservation and protection of this heritage, traditions and culture will participate in the joint effort. Not only should private individuals and entities be involved in this, which, although primarily pursuing their commercial goals, also bear their share of responsibility for the level of society and our common future, but first and foremost it is the task of the state to do everything possible to preserve cultural heritage and strengthen national identity at home and abroad, which cannot be seen from the point of profitability. Because private entities alone, such as the nonprofit organisation Medailérsky klub and its sympathizers, although dedicated and putting in a lot of effort and their own resources, are not sufficient for this difficult task.

Therefore, it is positive news that the most beautiful medals of the year captured not only the public’s attention and we believe that in the next year we will be able to present more beautiful medals and that this way the situation will be more optimistic next year.

Not only medal and coin collectors and people around them took part in the poll, but 40% of the voters said that they do not collect at all, yet they were interested in the medals, which was one of the purposes of the poll.

Respondents most appreciated the artistic expression of the theme, the idea, the documentation of tradition, heritage and historical events, the story depicted in the metal, creativity, the art and craftsmanship of the medal makers, and the art of production, the craftsmanship of the engravers, the large surface area where motifs can be rendered in detail, the cultural and historical message, the sophistication and detail, the freedom of expression of the artist, the collectability and artistic value, the perpetuity, the small number of pieces, …:

– What fascinates me about both medals and coins is their story: from the choice of a strong theme, to the inventiveness and skill of the craftsman, to the flawless technical execution. If all three steps fit together, we get a small miracle in our hands (Ivana Potočňáková, NBS Foundation)
– A medal can take more information than a coin and pass it on. Its size makes it more valuable. (Jozef Harbulyák)
– It is a work of art that fits in the hand. And if the medal is also in high relief or nicely robust, it is already the pinnacle of art. (Marcel Franek)
– They allow to express a lot of meanings in a small space, they are an aesthetic representation of an idea. (Viera Bačová)
– Artistic beauty combined with technical precision of execution, which often reminds us of historical events, great men of the time or various noteworthy curiosities. (Peter Haľko)
– The medal is exclusive and often times in small series. The medal can be grasped in the hands and admired. It has a more pronounced relief, which I miss in the coins I collect (especially proof versions). (Peter Pázmány, NBS)
– The possibility to portray an idea with a message for future generations (Adela Štefániková)

Some of the reactions of voters:

“I keep my fingers crossed for you in your medal making and education.”; “This competition is meaningful and I really appreciate that it is. Thank you to the creators.”; “The variety of the selection of medals proposed for the award”; “Well done /wonderful works/”; “Excellent idea. Heartfelt thanks.”; “May you continue to publish nice medals”; “Great idea to judge this kind of art”; “They are all beautiful!”; “I wish the event a lot of success.”; “I rate the idea of awarding medalists or medals as excellent”; “Excellent that you are doing such a competition”; “Thank you for your dedicated work”; “Thank you for all the information given for each medal”; “Beautiful selection of nominated medals”; “I support these interesting undertakings.”; “May you do well! Awarding a medal for your work will make everyone happy…”; “Fingers crossed for the organisation and I wish you lots of not only supporters”; “Moving on”; “Thank you for organising this survey and for the prizes for the draw! Fingers crossed!”; “Thank you, I wish you all the best, I congratulate the winner in advance and I appreciate your contest. May it make all the prize winners happy.”

And this is the base that gives us optimism for the next years and medal activities. Because our heritage must be valued, protected and enhanced for preservation for future generations.

-> The brochure with the results and all presented medals in pdf here (In Slovak – 5,14 MB).
You can also purchase a printed brochure at for €2 on structured paper (eco-friendly, FSC® certified, CO2/carbon neutral, on 30% recycled paper, produced exclusively with energy from wind farms)

How respondents answered the follow-up questions:

What do you collect?

Medals            146
Coins   275
I don’t collect  222
Other   23
(Other was most commonly listed as notes and stamps, but also awards, statues, paintings/art/graphics, 1x each of legos, magnets, “black holes” (paintings of architectural monuments) , minerals, trophies, calendars, napkins, but some also collect experiences, experiences or returnable bottles)

Many voters said they collect both medals and coins, suggesting that they are very related

For how long have you been collecting?

< 1 year           27
1-5 years          101
> 5 years          210
I don’t collect  225

What do you like about medals?
199 replies

Most common answers – theme, motif, workmanship, art, craftsmanship, idea, craft, story, heritage, tradition, history:
Artistic expression of theme, idea, history, story depicted in metal, creativity, art of craftsmen stamped in metal, art of production, craftsmanship of engravers, documentation of cultural heritage, craftsmanship of medal makers, skill, craftsmanship, tradition, historical events, Large area where various motifs can be rendered in detail, Cultural and historical message, heritage, Beauty in a minimal area, sophistication and detail, freedom of expression of the artist, Collectability and artistic value, Eternity, beautiful artistic expression, depiction of traditions, grandeur, small number of pieces, colour execution – different patinas, …

– What fascinates me about both medals and coins is their story: from the choice of a strong theme, to the inventiveness and skill of the craftsman, to the flawless technical execution. If all three steps fit together, we get a small miracle in our hands (Ivana Potočňáková, NBS Foundation)
– A medal can take more information than a coin and pass it on. Its size makes it more valuable. (Jozef Harbulyák)
– It is a work of art that fits in the hand. And if the medal is also in high relief or nicely robust, it is already the pinnacle of art. (Marcel Franek)
– They allow to express a lot of meanings in a small space, they are an aesthetic representation of an idea. (Viera Bačová)
– Artistic beauty combined with technical precision of execution, which often reminds us of historical events, great men of the time or various noteworthy curiosities. (Ing. Peter Haľko)
– The medal is exclusive and often times in small series. The medal can be grasped in the hands and admired. It has a more pronounced relief, which I miss in the coins I collect (especially proof versions). (Peter Pázmány, NBS)
– The possibility to portray an idea with a message for future generations (Adela Štefániková)

The festive announcement of the winner of the Medal of the Year 2023 and the awarding of diplomas took place on 6.6.2024 at the National Bank of Slovakia and the public announcement and drawing of prize winners took place on 7.6.2024 at Incheba expo during the Bratislava Collectors’ Days in the stand of the Slovak Numismatic Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences.

Here you can see the Powerpoint presentation from the National Bank of Slovakia or Incheba EXPO (Slovak, 8,6 MB)

-> We print all materials, such as diplomas, leaflets or certificates on environmentally friendly, FSC® certified, CO2/carbon neutral, 30% recycled paper, produced exclusively with energy from wind farms


Bratislava, 15.6.2024

The results of the public vote in the Medal of the Year 2023 poll were presented to invited guests at the announcement ceremony on 6.6.2024 in the representative premises of the Congress Hall of the National Bank of Slovakia and to the public on the following day, 7.6.2024, at the Bratislava Collectors’ Days fair in Incheba Expo, where the winners of the prizes for participation in the poll were also drawn.

The ceremony was opened by Mr. Karol Česnek, the representative of the medal club and at the same time an employee of the NBS, thanks whom this event could be held on the dignified ground of the national bank. The opening remarks were made by the representative of the National Bank of Slovakia, Dr. Dušan Jurčák, Executive Director of the Payment Systems and Cash Department, who, as a representative of the host NBS, described this event as a recognition of extraordinary artistic achievements and a celebration of talented individuals, medallists, whose works enrich our lives:
“We at the National Bank also have a close relationship with medals as we play an important role in preserving and protecting our national heritage through our Coin and Medal Museum in Kremnica. The commemorative and collector euro coins issued by the National Bank of Slovakia are in themselves works of art that tell the story of our country and its people. And it is in their creation that we cooperate with many medallists, either as designers or expert advisers, some of whom are also members of the committee for selecting the most suitable recommended design, whether a commemorative or collector euro coin.
On behalf of the National Bank, I would therefore like to thank all those who are involved in the creation and promotion of medal making. Your work is of great importance to our culture and society. Medal making in Slovakia has a rich history and, I believe, a long future and tradition, and it plays an important role in preserving and celebrating the cultural heritage of our country. Medals are more than just beautiful works of art – they are tangible reminders of significant events, personalities or institutions. They reflect societal values, ideals and sometimes even a vision of the future. Thanks to the artistic skill and creativity of medal makers, historical stories and personalities come to life, often inspiring us to reflect, even on important issues of the day. Medals are also valuable collector’s items that are often passed down from generation to generation. In conclusion, I would like to stress that the National Bank of Slovakia values the work of medal makers and their contribution to our society. We also look forward to continuing our mutual cooperation in the future. If you will allow me, I would like to congratulate the nominated medal makers now. Thank you for your attention.”

Host for National Bank of Slovakia Dr. Dušan Jurčák, Member of the Bank Board and Executive Director (photo by Ján Baranovič)

After him, a speech was given by the nestor (doyen) of Slovak medal making, at the same time a founding member of Medailérsky klub, whose name and especially his work is known and recognized both at home and abroad, the aforementioned akademic sculptor Marián Polonský:
“Dear lovers, friends and creators of medals, of this little work of art, welcome to this event of ours, I would say, celebration.
I will tell you first of all my feelings about this poll. It’s not about the artists, the persons, it’s about the work, the finished work, it’s judged by the people who, mostly, who are directly involved with it in some way, the collectors or the creators or their relatives and friends and supporters, but in this case, interesting phenomena have come together in the first three places: beekeepers, winegrowers and history. The winegrowers may have been disappointed, if you look at it from this social point of view, but for society and for humanity, both beekeeping and winemaking have a special aspect, they both work with paragraphs, or with laws and paragraphs, the beekeepers with the laws of nature, which are inexorable, and the winegrowers also with the laws of nature, but also with the laws of the European Union, and they are also often inexorable as well.
As far as the creation itself is concerned, the beekeeping medal is a tribute to the anniversary of the beekeeping school, where it has been possible to keep the young people with this wonderful mission, with the bees. It is worse for the medal, the closed school in Kremnica, where there was a hatchery of medal makers, but also jewellers, sculptors, restorers, that was one phenomenal school, and at those other schools, schools of applied art, the medal is not teached at all. And these beekeepers have maintained this wonderful tradition. Those are my personal feelings. So I keep my fingers crossed for the others. Thank you for your attention and I’ll hand over now to our president (note: president of the Medailérsky klub Peter Kočvara).”

Speech by by the nestor (doyen) of Slovak medal making Marián Polonský (photo by Ján Baranovič)

This was followed by the presentation of the Medal of the Year project, as well as other activities of the Medailérsky klub, the presentation of the results of the survey and the participating medals, the announcement of the results and the winners, which were presented by the president of the Medailérsky klub, the organizer and the director of the Medal of the Year 2023 award Peter Kočvara who also presented the awards.

Guests took turns on the podium to receive their awards for the first three places:

1. Beekeeping Heritage (Milan Kožuch) – 193 votes
Ordered by: Secondary Vocational School under Bános, Banská Bystrica and the Slovak Numismatic Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences – Banská Bystrica branch
Struck by: Mincovňa Kremnica (Kremnica Mint), state-owned enterprise

Peter Kočvara presents the 1st prize for the Beekeeping Heritage medal to it’s author Milan Kožuch (photo by Ján Baranovič)

2. European Order of the Knights of Wine in Slovakia, 20th anniversary (academic sculptor Marián Polonský) – 186 votes
Ordered by: European Order of the Knights of Wine – Dr. Richard Demovič, PhD., MPH., Proconsul h.c., Senator h.c. Ordo Equestris Vini Europae and the European Knights of Wine in Slovakia and Ing. František Slezák, CSc., Consul Emeritus and Senator h.c., founder of the Order of the Knights of Wine in Slovakia.
Struck by: Mincovňa Kremnica (Kremnica Mint), state-owned enterprise

Peter Kočvara presents the 2nd prize for the European Order of the Knights of Wine in Slovakia medal to it’s author Marán Polonský (photo by Ján Baranovič)

3. The Masaryks in Turiec (Štefan Novotný, idea Vladimír Bullo) – 104 votes
Ordered by: Slovak Numismatic Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences – branch Martin, president Vladimír Bullo
Struck by: Castax Slovakia, s.r.o., Trenčín

Peter Kočvara presents the 3rd prize for the Masaryks in Turiec medal to it’s spiritual father Vladimír Bullo (photo by Ján Baranovič)

At the same time, the following personalities – medallists – were awarded for their life anniversary and for their contribution to the medal making:
– Dr.h.c. doc. academic sculptor Alexander Vika – on the occasion of his life jubilee of 90 years of age award for outstanding contribution in medal making
– academic sculptor Marián Polonský – on the occasion of his life jubilee of 80 years of age award for outstanding contribution in medal making
– academic sculptor Michal Gavula – on the occasion of his life jubilee of 70 years of age award for contribution in medal making
– academic sculptor Alojz Drahoš, PhD. – on the occasion of his life jubilee of 70 years of age award for contribution in medal making
Štefan Novotný – on the occasion of his life jubilee of 70 years of age award for outstanding contribution in medal making
– academic sculptor Ľudmila Cvengrošová – award for outstanding contribution in medal making

Another guest who was given the floor was from 1.6.2024 unfortunately former long-time Kremnica Mint technologist Ing. Tomáš Turošík, who told the attendees about the technological achievements and special modifications of medals that were realized during his time at the Mint.

Photos by Jiří Kuča, Praha

The author of the winning medal Milan Kožuch (in the centre) with the numismatists from Banská Bystrica Ing. Michal Dóša, president of Slovak Numismatic Society
Banská Bystrica (left) and Igor Potančok, secretary (right) (photo by Igor Potančok)

The author of the 2nd medal Marián Polonský pays tribute to the author of the 1st medal Milan Kožuch (photo by Peter Kočvara)

Mrs. Ivana Koreňová, Head of the Marketing Department of Kremnica Mint, receives the awards for the realization of the medals on the 1st and 2nd place (photo by Ján Baranovič)

Video from the ceremony and presenting awards at the National Bank of Slovakia (total length 1:28:50, divided into 3 videos)

The announcement of the results for the public followed the next day, Friday 7 June 2024, at the Bratislava Collectors’ Days 2024 in Incheba Expo, where the winners of the prizes for participation in the poll were also drawn.

From the media

TV Markíza (pripravuje sa)

V ankete Medaila roka 2023 sa presadila kremnická škola a včelárske dedičstvo
(, 16.6.2024)

TV Lux, KRÁTKE SPRÁVY 10.06.2024 (redaktor Peter Volf, kamera Peter Štancel) (2:33, 22 MB)

Noviny TV JOJ, 07.06.2024 (redaktorka Klaudia Malovcová)
(Bratislavské zberateľské dni 24:15-26:30, Medaila roka 26:18-26:30)
0:14, 4,03 MB

Ako to vyzerá, keď súťažia medaily? Stretnú sa Matka Tereza, Steve Jobs aj staré civilizácie
(, 25.5.2024)
Čítanosť článku v priebehu prvých 24 hodín bolo ~2000 vzhliadnutí, čo je podľa vyjadrenia serveru vynikajúce


The following 23 medals and plaques were nominated for 2023, in a variety of styles, themes, authors, shapes, sizes, materials… so there really is a favourite one for everyone!

  • Centenary of the visit of the first Czechoslovak president Tomáš G. Masaryk to the Kremnica Mint (Branislav Ronai)
  • European Order of the Knights of Wine in Slovakia, 20th anniversary (academic sculptor Marián Polonský)
  • Aqua (academic painter Daniel Brunovský)
  • Slovak painter Ladislav Medňanský (Branislav Ronai)
  • Marián Polonský, octogenarian (Štefan Novotný, idea Peter Kočvara)
  • Treasures of Ancient Civilizations IV– Crete, Mycenae, Minoan and Mycenaean Cultures (academic sculptor Ľudmila Cvengrošová)
  • Duke Pribina / Pribina’s celebration in Nitra 1933-2023 (sculptor Ján Koniarek)
  • The Masaryks in Turiec (Štefan Novotný, idea Vladimír Bullo)
  • Austro-Hungarian empress Maria Theresa on the Great Seal and the ceremony of her coronation (Drahomír Zobek)
  • Artist versus Artificial Intelligence (academic sculptor Alojz Drahoš, PhD.)
  • Set of medals Personalities of IT technologies – Steve Jobs and Richard Marko (academic sculptor Alojz Drahoš, PhD.)
  • Spartak Trnava, hundred years of football in Trnava 1923-2023 ( Mário Slezák, co-author of the idea Ondrej Lietavec)
  • Beekeeping Heritage (Milan Kožuch)
  • Holy Mother Teresa of Calcutta (academic sculptor Michal Gavula)
  • Homunculus Paracelsus Alchymist (Mgr. art. Miroslav Hric, ArtD.)
  • Maximilian Ducat SK 2023 (Veronika Prokopová, DiS.)
  • Escape 023 (docent academic sculptor Gabriela Gáspárová-Illéšová)
  • Michal Miloslav Hodža – Štúrovci (Mgr. art. Martin Sabol)
  • Set of silver medals (year 2023) – Folk culture of Slovakia – costumes (Oščadnica, Čičmany, Rybany) (Mgr. art. Roman Lugár)
  • Tales of the Earth – Drought (Mgr. art. Roman Lugár)
  • Sculpture of the Immaculate Virgin Mary in Košice – Plague Columns – Stone Witnesses of Victory over Epidemics (Mgr. art. Roman Lugár)
  • Ján Chryzostom Cardinal Korec – Christ the Light of the World (Archbishop of Nitra) (Dr.h.c. doc. academic sculptor Alexander Vika)
  • Intronization Medal of the Archbishop of Prague Jan Graubner (Karel Zeman)

Detailed information about each nomination:

  • Centenary of the visit of the first Czechoslovak president Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk to the Kremnica Mint (Branislav Ronai)

Mincovňa Kremnica (Kremnica Mint), state-owned enterprise
struck, two-sided
60 mm – patinated tombac MS90, silver Ag 999 patinated, silver Ag 999 glossy, rhodium plated, 34 mm gold Au 999

In 2023, the Kremnica Mint commemorated the 100th anniversary of the visit of the President of the Czechoslovak Republic, Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, to the Kremnica Mint. It was the first visit of a representative of the interwar Czechoslovak Republic and the highest representative of the state after more than 70 years. The last visit at the highest level took place in 1852, when Emperor Franz Joseph I visited Kremnica. President T. G. G. Masaryk was also very popular in Slovak society in general and his unexpected arrival represented one of the most rare visits in the entire history of Kremnica and especially the Kremnica Mint.

The author is Branislav Ronai, a medallist of the mint’s studio. On the obverse of the medal he depicted the profile of President T. G. Masaryk according to the art design of the medal maker Jan Čejka from 1920. In the roundel of the obverse of the medal there is a commemorative inscription “VISIT of T. G. MASARYK IN KREMNICA MINT”, while in the upper part under the line of the pearl there are the words of the St.Wenceslas chant “Do not let perish us nor our descendants” and also the year of the anniversary “1923-2023″.  In the background we can see the facade of the Kremnica mint building. In the foreground there are two sides of the unissued St. Wenceslas ducat by the medal maker Josef Šejnost, which is partially overlapped in the middle by a large state seal from 1920 by the medal maker Otakar Španiel. The Czechoslovak ducats are a symbol of the restoration of Czech statehood and at that time they presented at home and abroad the high artistic level of domestic medallists and the advanced technical level of the Kremnica mint. On the underside of the roundel there is an overlapping inscription “100 years” decorated with linden branches. On the reverse of the medal, the figure of the President is depicted in the foreground together with the then mint director Demeter Petrovits in a position referring to the President’s greeting in front of the mint in 1923. The depiction of these two persons shaking hands also refers to the overall situation of the mint and its founder, the state, in the early period. D. Petrovits, as a former director of the Vienna mint and an experienced high official, had a high merit in solving organisational and personnel problems at the Kremnica mint after the chaotic period of 1918 and 1919. He did so already in the interest of the young Czechoslovak Republic, which was not only represented, but also symbolised at that time by the very personality of President T. G. Masaryk. At a distance from the President and the Director, as if in the background, stands the figure of Jan Čejka, a Czech medallist with the competences of a chief engraver. In the background are the Vulkan stamping machines. The inscription “MINT OF THE REPUBLIC OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA” is in the roundel and the central state emblem of Czechoslovakia with linden branches is placed at the bottom.

It can be said that the medal maker Ján Čejka (1878 – 1925) on the reverse, whose 100th anniversary of death will soon be commemorated, represents an important personality also in connection with T. G. Masaryk’s visit to the Mint. As is already known, J. Čejka have merit in the revival of the Kremnica mint and medal making after the First World War. The medal issued for the 100th anniversary of the visit of President T. G. Masaryk thus seamlessly follows the previous medals dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the restoration of the Kremnica minting and medal making, already in the new conditions of the Czechoslovak interwar republic

The departure of President T. G. Masaryk
from the Mint

Photo: Radoslav Ondrašovič
Patinated tombac Ms 80, 60 mm, 120 g
Patinated Ag 999/1000, 60 mm, 140 g
Mintage: 200 pcs limited and numbered issue
glossy Au 999/1000, 34 mm, 31,1 g
Mintage: 100 pcs limited and numbered issue

Ag 999/1000 rhodium plated, 60 mm, 140 g
Mintage: 70 pcs limited and numbered issue

Nominated by Kremnica Mint
Source: Mincovňa Kremnica (Kremnica Mint), state-owned enterprise
Author of the text (extract from the article to the medal in the Denarius magazine, enclosed also as a leaflet to he medal): Mgr. Juraj Hirčák (curator of the medal collection, Museum of Coins and Medals archivist at Mincovňa Kremnica)

  • European Order of the Knights of Wine in Slovakia, 20th anniversary (academic sculptor MariánPolonský)

European Order of the Knights of Wine
Mincovňa Kremnica (Kremnica Mint), state-owned enterprise
struck, two-sided
90 mm, 340 g
Edition EVIRS (not numbered) – patinated tombac – 50 pcs
Author’s edition (numbered) EA – patinated tombac MS90, silver-plated tombac MS90, copper Cu – 7 pcs each

The obverse of the medal is sculpturally dominated on a pedestal by St. George, the dragon slayer, a young and beautiful warrior in knight’s armour, sitting on a horse and defeating a fierce dragon that is writhing under the horse. The dragon symbolizes evil, the dark forces lurking at us through fear, the true enemy of all people who offer sacrifices to it. It can destroy us if we are inactive. It can ensnare us if we do not fight it. According to legend, the dragon threatened people at the cost of sacrifices, until St. George overcame it with his faith. However, during the persecution of Christians, he suffered for his faith and it finally cost him his life. Thus he lost temporal life, but found eternal life. He became a martyr and also the patron saint of knights, soldiers or scouts. European Order of the Knights of Wine is also based on the tradition of the Habsburg Knights of St. George from 1333, in the second period from 1468 and from 1984 in the third period, when the Habsburgs handed over the Knightly Order of St. George to the Ordo Equestris Vini Europea (European Knights of the Vine – the coat of arms on a pedestal sculpturally protruding into the space).
Vale Eques – Noblesse Oblige (knightly salute – nobility obliges)
On the right rim is the signature of the author of the medal 2023. Inscription on the top rim edge Mincovňa Kremnica (Kremnica Mint) * 2023 * Slovak Republic, bottom hallmarking of the author and numbering of the medal

The central element of the reverse of the medal is the coat of arms of the Order of the Knights of Wine in Slovakia. In addition to promoting Christian values, the European Order of the Knights of Wine acts as a cultural institution whose principles strengthen friendship and peace between communities. The European Knighthood is an order of knights of wine. The term “Knight of Wine” unites the essential characteristics of a knight and the noble characteristics of wine according to the Order’s oath formula – In Honorem Dei et In Honorem Vini (IHDV – To the glory of God and to the glory of wine). Along the lower rim of the medal, the roundel continues with an ornament composed of vine leaves and bunches of grapes. In the bottom centre is a Slovak double cross on a triple peaks in the middle of the rays of the sun, which is necessary for life, also grapes. From the triple peaks grow linden branches on either side, a Slavic symbol. Above is a sword thrust through the entire medal, impaled in a tassel and inscribed on the guard on this medal “Carpathians” (the passport sword of the Order is inscribed with Carolus). Above it on both sides are the goblets, on the right the goblet of the Order, below it the mint mark in a circle with the dies, on the left the goblet with the inscription “XX” for the 20th anniversary of the European Order of the Knights of Wine in Slovakia A.D. 2003 2003 and the signature of the author of the medal.
Wine is an essential part of European culture and identity. European Order of the Knights of Wine have taken it upon themselves to look after this common cultural heritage and preserve it for future generations. In doing so, it wants to contribute to European integration, building friendship and peace in Europe. In this endeavour, it also wants to nurture personal friendship, the enjoyment of wine and beautiful art. If we are friends, this is the surest way to peace.

Salve vini
The author of the medal, Maestro Marian Polonský (80th anniversary in 2023), an academic sculptor, medallist and ceramist, perfectly embodied the knightly idea of his personal friends Richard Demovič and František Slezák (80th anniversary in 2023). Out of their long friendship and many meetings over wine, this exceptional medal was created, which is of historical value to us and to the Order of the Knights.
Ideological authors of the medal are Dr. Richard Demovič, PhD., MPH., Proconsul h.c., Senator h.c. Ordo Equestris Vini Europae and the European Knights of Wine in Slovakia and Ing. František Slezák, CSc., Consul Emeritus and Senator h.c., founder of the Order of the Knights of Wine in Slovakia.
“In Honorem Dei et in Honorem Vini”

Source: Peter Kočvara

  • Aqua (academic painter Daniel Brunovský)

freestyle artwork
cast, one-sided
cast bronze ~90-93 mm, cast silver ~60 mm – limit max. 20 pcs, numbered

I. medal from the cycle 4 elements (Aqua, Ignis, …)

Video medaily (Instagram)

Brunovsky’s unique style can be described as Baroque Surrealism.
Brunovský is an universal artist – painter, jeweller, also devoted to sculpture, son of the world-famous Slovak painter, representative of the imaginative line Albín Brunovský (another representative Vladimír Gažovič, their admirer and in some works inspired by Marián Polonský). Daniel Brunovský, however, found his own way and style.
He is the author of several unique medals.

Daniel Brunovský (1959, Bratislava, Slovakia, Europe), member of the SAMS – Slovak Art Medal Society (ZMS – Združenie medailérov Slovenska)
1974-1978 School of applied art in Bratislava, 1979-1985 Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. In 1984 he also studied in Rome at the Academia di belle Arte. He is currently working on graphic art, ceramic and glass sculpture, furniture solitaires, jewellery and medals. Daniel Brunovský is a representative of Slovak postmodernism and has been making art for more than twenty years. Already at the beginning of his creative journey he expressed himself in his own artistic language and to this day he has remained faithful to the classical medium of painting, in which he seeks inner freedom and harmony. In his large-scale figurative compositions, he gives a testimony of man’s connection with ancient landscapes, architecture and history. With his unique style, the painter creates stories about people, about their innermost feelings and searches for the most elemental human needs, desires and dreams that are often lost in modern civilization. He records all these elements in a dynamic and expressive handwriting, often inserting texts in the form of puzzles and a number of symbols into his works to amplify the effect of his authorial statement. In paintings dominated by robust figures, he presents the relationship between man and the cosmos, confronting the material and spiritual worlds. The basic motif here is the complexity of interpersonal relationships and the psychological loneliness of a man lost in space. In Daniel Brunovský’s paintings there is always something deliberately left unsaid, mysterious, almost mystical.

Photo: Peter Kočvara,

  • Ladislav Medňanský (Branislav Ronai)

Mincovňa Kremnica (Kremnica Mint), state-owned enterprise
struck, two-sided
80 mm
patinated tombac MS90 – unlimited mintage (~280 g), also as author’s edition EA,
silver Ag 999 – 100 pcs limited and numbered emision (~330 g), author’s edition EA – 2 pcs, numbered

A series of commemorative medals introducing the most famous Slovak painters of all times. The medal was struck in atypical diameter and size. The medal is from the edition “Greats of Slovak Painting” with the motif of the representative of Impressionism, Ladislav Medňanský. He was born in 1852 in Beckov. He was a landscape painter of European importance. His landscape paintings are characterised by melancholy, nostalgia and a masterly capture of light.

The reverse of the medal depicts the painting The Village by the Stream (circa 1875, height 34.0 cm, width 31.0 cm)

Ladislav Mednyánszky - Dedina pri potoku

Ladislav Medňanský (Mednyánszky) (* 23.04.1852 Beckov – 17.04.1919
Vienna), a painter of Slovak landscape of noble origin from Beckov, he was given
private painting lessons by the Viennese watercolourist Thomas Ender, he received
his artistic education at the Akademie der bildenden Künste in Munich and at the
École des Beaux-Arts in Paris, he had studios in Budapest and in Vienna, he is buried in Budapest’s Kerepes Cemetery.

He came from a wealthy family, but he was never interested in money – he gave away his fortune to friends and protégés. He was most attracted to borderline situations, to people living on the fringes of society, whom he often depicted as exposed to its brutal and cruel effects. He knewthe feeling of rejection perfectly and became a kind of cursed chronicler of it. His works are exhibited in the Slovak National Gallery, the Hungarian National Gallery, as well as in the
manor house in Strážky (Spišská Belá).ňanský
Ladislav Medňanský – Slovenská národná galéria SNG

Nominated by Kremnica Mint

  • Marián Polonský, octogenarian (Štefan Novotný, idea Peter Kočvara)

Medailérsky klub, non-profit organisation
Mincovňa Kremnica (Kremnica Mint), state-owned enterprise, 2023
struck, two-sided
82 mm with rounded edge, 80 mm with straight edge

Artistic realization of the model by the Kremnica medallist Štefan Novotný (1954); initiator, idea and consultation Peter Kočvara (1977), Medailérsky klub, non-profit organisation.

Embossed inscription on the edge at the top “MINCOVŇA KREMNICA” (KREMNICA MINT), on the left “MEDAILÉRSKY KLUB” and at the bottom # numbering of the medal, mint mark and date 2023. Version 82 mm with rounded edge (Ag ~80 mm) (numbered # 1-20):
– patinated tombac 20 pcs (polished edge),
– patinated silver-plated tombac 20 pcs (gold-plated edge),
– patinated copper Cu 20 pcs (polished edge),
– patinated silver Ag 999 20 pcs (polished edge)
Of which 10 pieces in a complete set with all 4 variants.
– weight due to the hand-machined rounded edge varies from piece to piece ~320 g, Ag ~360 g, edge thickness ~6 mm

82 mm version with rounded-edge stored in handmade case (silver in dark-blue round calfskin with silver imprint; tombac in a square leatherette case (brown with gold imprint), silver-plated (blue with silver imprint) and copper (burgundy with gold imprint))

In addition to the perfect portrait by Štefan Novotný, who is personal friends with Polonský, the medal is also characterised by a rich artistic composition that points to Polonský’s life story through scenes from his work.
The central inscription nasliedie in ninth-century Glagolitic script, which means heritage in Old Slavonic, is also noteworthy and was created after a discussion between several academics and experts in Old Slavonic and Glagolitic, prof. Pavol Žigo (Ľudovít Štúr Institute of Linguistics, Slovak Academy of Sciences), prof. Peter Žeňuch (Ján Stanislav Institute of Slavistics at the Slovak Academy of Sciences), doc. Elena Krejčová (Department of Slavonic Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno) and ThDr. Vladimír Kocvár (Faculty of Orthodox Theology, University of Prešov).

The medal also features a technologically interesting and unique rounded and gold-plated edge. The aim was to achieve a medal that would also be a kind of jewellery and after long consultations with the Kremnica Mint technologist, Ing. Tomáš Turošík, the challenging realization was achieved.It is the result of the skill and art of Slovak medal tradition.

Video of the medal Instagram / Youtube

80 mm version with straight edge (numbered # 21-40):
– patinated tombac 20 pcs,
– patinated silver-plated tombac 20 pcs,
– weight ~360 g, edge thickness ~8 mm
Stored in a standard case with logo sticker

Nominated by the Medailérsky klub
Source: Medailérsky klub, non-profit organisation

  • Treasures of Ancient Civilizations IV – Crete, Mycenae, Minoan and Mycenaean Cultures (academic sculptor Ľudmila Cvengrošová)

Česká mincovna, a.s.
50 mm
patinated silver Ag 999
500 pcs

Modeled in 2016, the medal was issued in 2023 as the obverse of the Niue 2 Dollars silver coin. The relief of the fourth silver coin in the series, which features treasures of ancient civilizations, showcases the sights of two Mediterranean cultures – Minoan and Mycenaean, presenting detailed depictions of four ancient landmarks – the Bull’s Head Rhyton, the snake goddess figurines, the Lion’s Gate, and the Mask of Agamemnon.

Academic sculptor Ľudmila Cvengrošová (*17.6.1937, Radošina), graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava (prof. Ján Kulich, prof. Rudolf Pribiš), tends to small sculptures and medal making, for which she draws inspiration from history.

For over sixty years she has been creating with great passion and with the hope of communicating history to the general public through her works. She brings us closer to the world-famous historical events and everyday lives of people from whom centuries and millennia separate us: “In sculptures, reliefs, medals and drawings, I have struggled for years to portray figures and events worthy of recording, as well as simple unknown people who created culture through hard work and their art.”
Ľudmila Cvengrošová is not only a leading Slovak artist, but also a passionate traveller who has visited memorable places all over the world. Her work reflects her experiences from numerous study stays. Bulgaria, Denmark, Egypt, France, Guinea, India, Israel, Cuba, Cyprus, Hungary, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Germany, Peru, Poland, Romania, Greece, the former Soviet Union, Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia – these are some of the countries she has travelled to from her native Slovakia.
“Travel and look not only at volcanoes, lakes and waterfalls. I am more interested in people and their works – creations that can be made by the human hand – than in natural beauty. I have always appreciated human work,” says the academic sculptor.
Archaeological finds, which eloquently convey the messages of ancient times, serve as a source of knowledge for her. The mature artist’s personal presence at archaeological excavations, supported by her close contact with archaeologists, gives her work a stamp of authenticity. She finds further inspiration in museum vitrines and on the pages of books. Historical fidelity is everything to her.
Ľudmila Cvengrošová has a penchant for depicting the geographic and cultural peculiarities of our planet – often unexplainable and elusive stories that allow for diverse interpretations. She then materialized her love for art, travel and all human cultures – regardless of race or religion – in the form of silver coins from the Czech Mint. The most beautiful treasures of ancient civilisations appear in her reliefs.
The abilities and world fame of the Slovak artist are evidenced, among other things, by the fact that the commemorative medal she created for John Paul II was chosen by the Pope himself for his personal archive. While wandering around Bratislava, you will come across her monumental works – she decorated Devín with a sculpture of Cyril and Methodius or a statue of Duke Rastislav, and in front of the building of the National Bank of Slovakia, her three-metre Celtic coin Biatec catches the eye.
The humanistic spirit of her work makes us stop and ask ourselves – who are we, where do we come from and where are we going?

Audience with the Pope John Paul II, 26.1.1996. Photo by Peter Kočvara from a photo from the archive of Ľ. Cvengrošová. The audience was also attended by Marián Polonský (see other medals), with whom they also had a common professor Rudolf Pribiš at Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava

Nominated by Česká mincovna SK, s.r.o.
Source: Česká mincovna SK, s.r.o.

  • Duke Pribina / Pribina’s celebration in Nitra 1933-2023 (sculptor Ján Koniarek 1933)

In 2023, with an updated reissue, non-profit organization Medailérsky klub honoured the 90th anniversary of the iconic medal with a high relief of Pribina’s celebration in Nitra 1933 from the 1st Czechoslovak Republic (1918-1938) for the 1100th anniversary of the foundation and consecration of Pribina’s church in Nitra, by the founder of Slovak modern sculpture, Ján Koniarek (1878-1952).

Pribina Dux Slovacorum Nitriae Fundau.Et / Adalramus Consecravit Ecclesiam = DCCCXXXIII – 1933.2023
(Slovak duke Pribina built in Nitra and / (archbishop) Adalramus consecrated the church DCCCXXXIII – 1933.2023)

– struck by Mincovňa Kremnica (Kremnica Mint), 2023
– Ø 70mm, thickness ~13mm, relief height ~6mm
– patinated tombac MS90 – 90 pcs (~255 g)
– copper Cu – 33 pcs
– silver-plated tombac AgMS90 – 33 pcs
– gold-plated tombac AuMS90 – 33 pcs
– silver Ag 999/1000 – 33 pcs (~285 g)

Of which 23 pieces in a complete set with all 5 variants.

Numbered on the edge and certificate; with embossed inscription on the edge at the top “MINCOVŇA KREMNICA” (KREMNICA MINT), on the left “MEDAILÉRSKY KLUB” and at the bottom # numbering of the medal, mint mark and date 2023.

Video of the medail

  • The Masaryks in Turiec (Štefan Novotný, idea Vladimír Bullo)

Slovak Numismatic Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences – branch Martin
Castax Slovakia, s.r.o., Trenčín
struck, two-sided
60×40 mm
silver Ag 999 – 60 pcs, numbered, copper Cu – 55 pcs
Author of the medal: Štefan Novotný, author of the idea:  Ing. Vladimír Bullo

The medal was issued in memory of the brave people who laid the foundation of the modern Slovak nation
The main motif on the obverse of the medal is the portrait of 1st Czechoslovak President Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk on the right side, on the left side is the Masaryk family residence in the village of Bystrička near Martin, where the President regularly spent his summer holidays with his family and maintained personal contacts with representatives of Slovak political and cultural life during his stays. The composition is complemented by the coat of arms of the municipality of Bystrička and the name of the medal “Masaryk family in Turiec”. The reverse of the medal on the right side is dominated by a portrait of the daughter of T.G. Masaryk, Alice Masaryková, who was a public figure, founder and first chairwoman of the Czechoslovak Red Cross, vice-chairwoman of the Slovak women’s association Živena in Martin and a fighter for the improvement of the social situation and education of women. The left side of the composition consists of the building of the Milan Rastislav Štefánik Institute, whose construction was supported by Alice Masaryková and built in 1923-1926 for the Živena schools. It was the first building of the planned urban concept of a set of representative buildings with a cultural mission in the area of the so-called “Martin or Slovak, acropolis”. The foundation of the institute and the construction of its headquarters laid the foundation for girls’ medical education in Slovakia. In 1922, the local branch of Živena founded a music school in Martin.

Source: photo Peter Kočvara, text Vladimír Bullo, František Kelemen

  • Austro-Hungarian empress Maria Theresa on the Great Seal and the ceremony of her coronation (Drahomír Zobek)

Numizmatika Kremnica s.r.o.
struck, two-sided
silver Ag 999/1000
60 mm, weight: 62,2 g, finish: so-called old silver / “antique silver”, limit: 150 pcs for a given size, material and finish
– silver Ag 999/1000, size 100 mm, with a limit of 90 pcs
– gold Au 999/1000, size 55 mm, with a limit of 55 pcs
– set of gold and silver medals 999/1000, size 42 mm, with a limit of 55 pcs

The antique silver effect is a special surface treatment in which the shining lustre of silver is preserved while the dark patina highlights the relief. For the desired effect, hand patination and polishing of each medal is more time-consuming and technically demanding.

Author of the medal Drahomír Zobek: “I have had the idea of depicting rulers on historical seals in my head for several years. The large seals of rulers appealed to me with their detailed decorative decoration. When I first obtained a drawing and an impression of the seal of Maria Theresa, I decided to try using her motif on one side of the intended medal.
My decision was also influenced by the issue of the M. Theresa 100 euro coin with a diameter of 26 mm. Such a size does not give the artist the necessary space for a more comprehensive expression.
Working on a model with a lot of details required a lot of time, which is necessary to create a 350 mm model.
The seal of M. Theresa is made up of vertical plans dominated by the seated figure of the monarch.
Therefore, I decided to use a coronation procession on the reverse side of the medal, which fills the space of the medal with horizontal motifs. The text in the roundel of the reverse side informs in Latin about the date of the coronation of M. Teresa MARIA THERESIA IN REG. HUNGARIAE CORONATA POSONII 25 IUNII 1741, with her motto UISTITIA ET CLEMENTIA (Justice and Mercy)”.

Drahomír Zobek (*20.7.1952 Nová Baňa) – important Slovak medallist. He is the author of art designs of Slovak circulation coins (1993), replicas of coins and a number of medals (minted and cast), decorations, badges, etc.
1967-71 – Secondary School of Arts and Crafts in Kremnica, graphic, surface and plastic engraving. After graduation (29.7.1971) he joined the studio of the Kremnica mint, where he worked as the head of the studio in 1992-1997. In 1997 he became independent. by Numizmatika Kremnica s.r.o.
Source/photo: Drahomír Zobek

  • Artist versus Artificial Intelligence (academic sculptor Alojz Drahoš)

Ordered by: The Museum of Coins and Medals of the National Bank of Slovakia
Struck by: Mincovňa Kremnica (Kremnica Mint), state-owned enterprise
struck, two-sided
60 mm
copper Cu
12 pcs

Struck medal of the participant XVI. International Symposium of Medals in Kremnica entitled “Artist versus Artificial Intelligence” from the theme “Artist versus Artificial Intelligence (Does Artificial Intelligence Threaten Human Creativity?)”
Edition of the symposium in copper 12 pcs, of which 6 pcs in a set of 5 medals with additional 4 medals of the participants of the symposium
– Alojz Drahoš, SK
– Aneta Juklíčková, CZ (Czech Republic)
– Vasilena Stancheva (Bulgaria)
– Krzysztof Krzysztof (Poland)
– Roberts Diners, Lilija Dinere (ERELDE) (Latvia)

Academic sculptor Alojz Drahoš, PhD., (11.4.1954, Zohor, Malacky). Medallist, painter, draughtsman, teacher, sculptor. 1969-1973 he studied at the School of Fine Arts in Bratislava, department of woodcarving under L. Korkoš and later at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava, department of figurative sculpture under prof. J. Kulich.
Alojz Drahoš is classified as a sculptor of figurative orientation. His manuscript reflects expressiveness and drama of almost baroque dynamics.
He usually combines natural organic forms with new shapes and often with sharp geometric elements.
The thematic range of his work and inspirations is also remarkable; the dominant theme is that of man – humanism, poetry, ethos, storytelling and abstraction, and the magic of signs and symbols in the messages and parables of his works.
In the brilliant modelling of Alojz Drahoš, the forces, energy and grace of Baroque, Art Nouveau and sculptural modernism are present, based on the legacy of the work of Auguste Rodin (1840-1917, world-famous French sculptor, one of the greatest sculptors of the 19th century, a pioneer of modern sculpture).

  • Set of medals Personalities of IT technologies – Steve Jobs and Richard Marko (academic sculptor Alojz Drahoš)

Ordered by: The Museum of Coins and Medals of the National Bank of Slovakia
Cast by: Peter Bukovský, Martin
two-layer cast medal (consisting of two medals, placed on top of each other with a spacer)

The Richard Marko, ESET medal and the Steve Jobs medal were created during the XVI. International Symposium of Medals in Kremnica on the theme of Personalities of IT technologies.
Richard Marko is the co-creator of the ESET NOD32 antivirus system and the programming co-author of the so-called advanced heuristics, which in 2002 marked a technological breakthrough in malware detection. The editors of CRN, a leading international IT business magazine, ranked Richard Marko as one of the top 25 IT thought leaders for 2010. At the Virus Bulletin conference, he was nominated in the category of Most Innovative Idea in the fight against malware in the last 10 years for his work on heuristic analysis.

In October 2023, Alojz Drahoš was a participant of the XVI International Symposium of Medals in Kremnica. He followed the theme for the stamped medal “Artificial Intelligence versus the Creator” in his freestyle medal work with the related themes “Personalities of IT technologies” and “Elements”.
He looked for inspiration in an environment close to artificial intelligence and related technologies.
With this theme, the artist pointed not only to the exceptional personalities pushing the progress of humanity forward and the benefits of such development, but also to the risks associated with it: “I have been considering and looking for suitable types to support the current theme in the current space. Such an environment includes many prominent pioneers, enthusiasts and exceptional people who are literally sacrificing their lives for the benefit of rapidly advancing IT technologies that are of immense importance to all of humanity. Without IT technology, there would be chaos on the roads, in communication networks in general and specialist information, in all the sciences, in short, in all our lives, even if we are not always sufficiently aware of it. We automatically accept various conveniences and take them for granted. Often we can no longer imagine life without them. In addition to our planet, their achievements have and will continue to affect space, which has also become a territorial interest of mankind, for a very long time. The positives are enormous, but one wonders about the other side of user comfort. We know that the aggressiveness of the rapid development of IT technology and science can also be dangerous for mankind in the event of technical failure but also of possible or deliberate misuse. Something like this could have unprecedented consequences. As long as man is able and in control of the rapid development of branching and even unexpected fascinating products of IT and artificial intelligence, it will be to the benefit of mankind. Should this not be the case, we can expect disaster. I believe that scientists are and will be in control of the proliferation, application and development of products in the field. Robotisation applied to industry and manufacturing is, in many cases, irreplaceable. Many dangerous and harmful technical activities are entrusted exclusively to automated systems. The occupations that will gradually be replaced by IT are already publicly known. It is true that people will lose their jobs, but development will create other jobs in which humans will have an irreplaceable place.
In scientific circles, a new scientific term, machine psychology, is also emerging in connection with robotics and IT technology, which is strange, to say the least, for a human being.”
“I decided to focus on one of the world’s creators and one domestic creator – Steve Jobs and Richard Marek from the Slovak company ESET.”
“So I created a portrait of the personality, which I overlaid with a cut-out in the top medal with a trace of his activity. Based on this principle, a two-layered medal of one and the other IT personality with a free distance overlay was created.”

Photo: Alojz Drahoš, text Alojz Drahoš, ESET

  • Spartak Trnava, hundred years of football in Trnava 1923-2023 (Mário Slezák, co-author of the idea Ondrej Lietavec)

Ordered by: Slovak Numismatic Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences – branch Trnava
Struck by: Mincovňa Kremnica (Kremnica Mint), state-owned enterprise
struck, two-sided
70 mm
silver-plated tombac 100 pcs, numbered; author’s edition EA silver-plated tombac, coloured by Mimaki technology 10 pcs, numbered
author of the model Mário Slezák, idea Mário Slezák, Ondrej Lietavec

Author’s comments on the medal:

The main motif of the obverse of the medal is a ball in the net of a football goal, which symbolizes the success of Trnava football in Slovakia and abroad. On the left side of the composition there is a light mast, which lit up the supporters of Trnava football from the construction of the stadium until its reconstruction in 2015. The light mast is therefore one of the icons to be highlighted. In this mast, the author has incorporated the years “1923” and “2023”, which are only visible under strong magnification. “Ever since I was a child, I have loved the hidden details on coins or stamps, whether it was the complexity of the composition or the mint-made errors, so I wanted to bring a bit of mystery to my model and show that even things that are visible and obvious to the eye, have hidden details in them”.

In the background at the top of the composition is the northern stand with the fans in the reconstructed stadium, because an integral part of Trnava football are its die-hard fans.

“I believe that football, as a collective sport, should express the club and its identity in specific colours. Even though the Spartak players are called “White Angels”, because of the typical white jersey, the club’s colours are clearly defined, namely red and black.”
This is also the concept behind the author’s edition, with the red and black ink on both the obverse and reverse printed on the medal using Mimaki technology.“The fans also include the flags that are displayed on the stands, which I have seen since my childhood as a fan of our football club, when my grandfather used to take me to the football on a regular basis. That is why I considered it an honour to create the medal of the 100th anniversary of Trnava football, as I have also been a die-hard fan of the club since my childhood. The most memories I have of Spartak Trnava football club are from the years 2005/2007, when I think there were the most active fans, the atmosphere, the pyro and chants were still allowed for all of us then. However, I definitely have fond memories, especially thanks to the electrifying atmosphere of those times, meeting new people, also from the Czech Republic thanks to the fan friendship with Baník Ostrava.

The Numismatic Society of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Trnava Branch, could not do better than to have the medal of Trnava football be created on the occasion of its centenary for its die-hard fan.

In the lower part of the medal there is the text “100 ROKOV” (100 YEARS) in a stylized leather plate from a historical football and on the left side along the edge the text “TRNAVSKÉHO FUTBALU” (of TRNAVA’s football).

“The text is meant to create dynamics, just as football is a dynamic game”

The reverse is dominated by a player wearing a Spartak Trnava jersey from the 1971/72 season.
The player is stylized in a position where he attempts to shoot at the opponent’s goal, and there is a connection with the obverse of the medal, as the player kicks a historical type of ball, and then the obverse mirrors the new type of ball in the net of the goal.  Below the player’s feet, from left to right, the two stripes in which the year of the club’s foundation is in perspective with the year in which Trnava football celebrates its centenary. The right side of the composition consists of the emblems of the clubs of Trnava football in its variations from the formation of organised football in Trnava to the present day. The current emblem of the club Spartak Trnava is the most dominant with its size in the lower right part of the composition. The background of the entire reverse is made up of seven stripes in the colours of red and black Trnava, because the colours belong to the football club and form an inseparable part of Trnava football, and it is this colour combination that is iconic for the current club. The left edge is completed by the inscription in the stylised plaque of the first type of football, which bears the inscription “TRNAVA DO TEHO!” (TRNAVA GO FOR IT).
This shout has driven forward the players who have made up Trnava football for a century.

The finished medal speaks for itself that a lot of work and effort went into it, not only in relation to its high sculpture, and the end result is undoubtedly worth it. And this must be fairly and admiringly acknowledged by the fans of the rival football teams. After all, football is supposed to be about fairness despite the eternal rivalry, and ultimately the love of the game is supposed to unite everyone, regardless of the jersey.

Work on the high relief of the obverse

Source: Photo Peter Kočvara, Ondrej Lietavec, Mário Slezák, text Mário Slezák, Peter Kočvara

  • Beekeeping Heritage (Milan Kožuch)

Secondary Vocational School SOŠ pod Bánosom, Banská Bystrica and the Slovak Numismatic Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences – Banská Bystrica branch
Mincovňa Kremnica (Kremnica Mint), state-owned enterprise
struck, two-sided
60 mm
silver Ag 999, copper Cu
Ag 80 pcs (40 pcs numbered, 40 pcs unnumbered), Cu 126 pcs (60 pcs numbered, 66 pcs unnumbered)

Slovakia has historically a long tradition in beekeeping and honey bee breeding. The origins were in the bee farming, but as time passed people brought cut off brood in the form of logs to their homes. As the logs were often large, heavy and impractical, they developed other forms of hives, typical for the territory of Slovakia.

Our medal was created to pay tribute to the beekeepers, our grandparents, who practised this profession with love and respect. Among the members of the Slovak Numismatic Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Banská Bystrica Branch, there are also several passionate beekeepers. They approached one of the most important institutions in the education of future beekeepers in Slovakia, Secondary Vocational School SOŠ pod Bánosom and its director Pavel Filo, who is also the president of the Slovak Beekeepers Association. The director was enthusiastic about the idea and only one step was needed to start the cooperation. Numismatists together with beekeepers approached the medallist Mr. Milan Kožuch for cooperation, who left a piece of himself in the medal, literally. After a short study of the materials at the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, he created a beautiful medal full of symbols and allegories.

The obverse of the medal depicts the symbolism of tradition in the form of a grandfather passing on his knowledge to his grandson, representing modern beekeeping and beekeeping techniques, but based on the knowledge of beekeepers in the past. Traditional as well as modern are also represented by the different types of hives behind the two figures. Behind the grandfather is a beehive and a straw basket, behind the grandson a disassembled work of art in the form of modern superstructure hives. Bees on flowers, frames and combs, symbolizing the carrying of nectar from the flowers to the hives, further complete the obverse surface. The tree connecting the two motifs represents the linden tree as a symbol of the Slavs. The educational symbolism is completed by the roundel, so typical of Milan Kožuch’s work.
The reverse of the medal depicts a beautiful veduta of the town of Banská Bystrica as seen from mount of Urpín, capturing the historic town with the Barbican, the parish church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, as well as Matej’s house. On the lower side of the area is the logo of the SOS Pod Bánošom and the Slovak Numismatic Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Banská Bystrica Branch, along with the year. On the edge of the medal is the inscription “SLOVENSKÁ NUMIZMATICKÁ SPOLOČNOSŤ – POBOČKA BANSKÁ BYSTRICA” (SLOVAK NUMIZMATIC SOCIETY – BANSKÁ BYSTRICA BRANCH), in the case of the numbered ones complemented with the number of the medal.

The medal is struck in two metals: copper – representing copper Banská Bystrica, but also the colour of honey and silver, symbolizing grey, wisdom. There is also the mintage in two variants: a numbered variant for the needs of numismatists and collectors. The unnumbered one is preferably intended for beekeepers and to recognise their lifelong work as beekeepers, because “it is not an art to become a beekeeper, but to persevere in it”.

Source: photo Peter Kočvara, text Dr. Milan Kolkus, cooperation Michal Dóša

  • Holy Mother Teresa of Calcutta (academic sculptor Michal Gavula)

Social Subcommission of the Theological Commission of the Conference of Bishops of Slovakia
Mincovňa Kremnica (Kremnica Mint), state-owned enterprise
struck, two-sided
60 mm
silver-plated tombac MS90
50 pcs

The obverse depicts Saint Mother Teresa holding a rosary in her hands. The seven beads of the rosary extend over the space of the circle and symbolise the well-known biblical number.
The reverse of the medal contains the inscription “Do thou also likewise” and the motif of praying hands embracing the Holy Trinity Cross, with rays in the background symbolizing the Holy Spirit arranged in the shape of a dove.

The medal is awarded as the St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta Award for Charity

According to the author of the medal, Michal Gavula, anyone who helps a neighbour in need has golden hands. He would also call this St. Mother Teresa Award the Golden Hands Award. “I was approached by Bishop Peter Rusnák with the request to create the St. Mother Teresa Award in the form of a double-sided medal, which the KBS subcommittee wants to present as an award for charitable work. The bishop’s idea was to have a portrait of St. Mother Teresa on the obverse with the text. On the reverse he wanted a cross with the text “Do thou also likewise”. He left the artwork to me. Then Mrs. Hulman, who was in charge of managing the medal production process, came to see me, and among other things she mentioned Bishop Rusnák’s praise that “you have golden hands”. This resonated with me very much, and so on the reverse, instead of requiring a solo cross, I added two pairs of praying hands and a cross embracing hands, so that the two of them were unwittingly involved in the creation.”

Source: photo Peter Kočvara, Katolícke noviny, text Michal Gavula

  • Homunculus Paracelsus Alchymist (Mgr. art. Miroslav Hric, ArtD.)

Lithuanian Mint
struck, one-sided
50 mm
silver 999
500 pcs

From a series of famous alchemists who tried to turn base metals into gold. Dedicated to the famous alchemist Paracelsus, issued as the obverse of the Niue 5 Dollars silver coin, selectively gold-plated, with an inset green Swarovski crystal, around the perimeter is an ouroboros snake devouring its own tail

Source: Lithuanian Mint

  • Maximilian Ducat SK 2023 (Veronika Prokopová, DiS.)

Česká mincovna, a.s.
struck, two-sided ducat medal
19,75 mm
Au 986/1000
200 pcs

The coronations of the Hungarian kings in Bratislava – that is the theme of the third Dukat series of the Czech Mint in 2023, which was created for Slovak collectors and investors. The gold ducat medal features not only King Maximilian, but also a scene from the first part of the coronation act.
The Hungarian throne was not a matter of inheritance. The new king had to be elected by the Diet of Estates. If the king wanted to secure the crown for his son, he had to obtain the consent of the Estates and have him crowned during his lifetime. Ferdinand I obtained this privilege for his firstborn son Maximilian in 1563. At that time, Hungary had two kings at the same time after the coronation – the father reigned and the son waited for his death…
“For centuries, Hungarian kings had been crowned in the Temple of the Virgin Mary in Székesfehérvár, except that it was occupied by the Ottoman army at the time. Therefore, the parish and chapter church in Pressburg – Bratislava, the capital of Hungary at the time – was chosen for Maximilian’s coronation. It was believed that Székesfehérvár would soon be liberated and that the next coronation would take place there again, but the Turks destroyed the Church of Our Lady and the coronation did not return there.” explains Slovak historian Štefan Holčík, who is an expert on the Bratislava coronation festivities.

Medallist Veronika Prokopová, DiS., dedicated the obverse side of the ducat medal to the portrait of King Maximilian. The additional motif is a scene from the coronation of the Hungarian monarch. The reverse side is then dominated by the St. Stephen’s crown.
The commemorative mintage of only 200 pieces respects the specifications defined by the First Republic St. Wenceslas ducats.

Nominated by Česká mincovna SK, s.r.o.
Source: Česká mincovna SK, s.r.o.

  • Escape 023 (docent academic sculptor Gabriela Gáspárová-Illéšová)

freestyle artwork
Cast by Jozef Hobor
cast bronze, one-sided
145 x 140 mm

The plaque “ESCAPE 023” was exhibited at the FIDEM XXXVII (Fédération Internationale de la Médaille d’Art) World Medallists’ Congress in Florence in October 2023.

Thematically, it is a “story to be continued”… The plaque “ESCAPE 023” was preceded by the plaque “CHAOS 020” (145×140 mm, cast bronze from 2020, exhibited at FIDEM XXXVI in Tokyo in 2021). The two plaques are linked by a storyline.
Both plaques were accompanied by short texts in the FIDEM catalogues, in which the artist expresses confused chaotic moments, personal hell, asks questions…:
1. CHAOS 020 (FIDEM XXXVI, Tokyo)
What to do first? Things are accumulating. Right now, everything is in confusion, chaos.
In chaos? Enough!

„CHAOS 020“ (145×140 mm, cast bronze, 2020)

2. ESCAPE 023 (FIDEM XXXVII, Florencia)
The imperative need (or must?) to escape from the destructive chaos within oneself, ewerywhere…

Docent academic sculptor Gabriela Gáspárová-Illéšová (*19.4.1952, Nitra)
She completed her studies at the E. Guderna Gymnasium in Nitra in 1970 and then two semesters at the Faculty of Education in 1970-71.
In 1971-1977 she studied sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava (prof. Kulich, prof. R. Pribiš)
In 1982-2022 she worked as a teacher at the Faculty of Architecture of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.
In 1996 she was habilitated as an associate professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in the field of Liberal Arts – Sculpture.
She is devoted to small sculptures – creation of medals, plaques, small sculptures, objects, reliefs, she realized monumental works for architecture.
She is a member of the Slovak Art Medal Society (in 2012-2019 President, since 2023 President in charge), a member and permanent vice-delegate of FIDEM for Slovakia (FIDEM-Fédération Internationale de la Médaille d’Art, international organization, founded in 1937 in Paris, groups artists from all over the world).
She is a member of the commission of the National Bank of Slovakia for the assessment of artistic designs of commemorative and collector coins.

1. First space flight of a citizen of the Slovak Republic (obverse/reverse), 60 mm,
2. Slovak Academy of Sciences, 70×70 mm

Source: photo Mária Baloghová, Peter Kočvara, text Gabriela Gáspárová-Illéšová

  • Michal Miloslav Hodža – Štúrovci (Mgr. art. Martin Sabol)

Mincovňa Kremnica (Kremnica Mint), state-owned enterprise
struck, two-sided
34 mm – PROOF gold-plated tombac MS90 (19,4 g), silver Ag 999/1000 (20 g, mintage 300 pcs)
23 mm – Au 999/1000 (7,7 g, mintage 200 pcs)

A series of commemorative medals dedicated to the Štúr group, the main current of the Slovak national movement in the mid-19th century, named after its main representative, Ľudovít Štúr. The most important members of this movement were: Ľudovít Štúr, Samo Chalupka, Andrej Sládkovič, Janko Kráľ, Ján Botto, Janko Matúška, Michal Miloslav Hodža and Jozef Miloslav Hurban.
The medals of the series depict all the above-mentioned representatives of this movement in turn. Michal Miloslav Hodža will be the second to be depicted on the medal. 34 mm – PROOF gold-plated tombac MS90 (19,4 g), silver Ag 999/1000 (20 g, mintage 300 pcs), 23 mm – Au 999/1000 (7,7 g, mintage 200 pcs)

Nominated by Kremnica Mint
Source: Mincovňa Kremnica (Kremnica Mint), state-owned enterprise

  • Set of silver medals (year 2023) – Folk culture of Slovakia – costumes (Oščadnica, Čičmany, Rybany) (Mgr. art. Roman Lugár)

Mincovňa Kremnica (Kremnica Mint), state-owned enterprise
struck, two-sided
34 mm – silver Ag 999/1000 PROOF, coloured – 20 g, 100 pcs

Set of silver PROOF medals “Folk culture of Slovakia – costumes 2023″ consisting of 3 medals depicting folk costumes of distinctive regions of Slovakia. The used technology of proof striking/minting in combination with colour printing makes the beauty of Slovak folklore and its unique Slovak folk costumes stand out.
The medals will be available as a set with a limited edition of 100 pieces, limited and numbered issue, PROOF design, coloured

Nominated by Kremnica Mint
Source: Mincovňa Kremnica (Kremnica Mint), state-owned enterprise

  • Tales of the Earth – Drought (Mgr. art. Roman Lugár)

Mincovňa Kremnica (Kremnica Mint), state-owned enterprise
50 mm
Ag 999/1000
300 pcs limited edition

The medal was issued as a coin, the fourth in the “Tales of the Earth” series. The obverse depicts the Earth Story motif. It was created in 2021, but struck and released in 2023*. The reverse contains the symbol of the issuing authority Cameroon, the denomination of the coin 1000 Francs CFA and a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II.

It features selective enamelling.

Nominated by: Roman Lugár
Source: Mincovňa Kremnica (Kremnica Mint), state-owned enterprise

  • Sculpture of the Immaculate Virgin Mary in Košice – Plague Columns – Stone Witnesses of Victory over Epidemics (Mgr. art. Roman Lugár)

Mincovňa Kremnica (Kremnica Mint), state-owned enterprise
struck, two-sided
50×70 mm
patinated tombac MS90 (122,5 g), silver-plated patinated tombac MS90 (123,7 g), patinated silver Ag 999/1000 (100 g, 200 pieces, limited and numbered issue)

Oval plaque from the Plague Columns – Stone Witnesses of Victory over Epidemics series with the motif of the plague column in Košice. The sculpture of the Virgin Mary Immaculate is one of the most beautiful Baroque sculptures located in the historical centre of Košice.

Nominated by Kremnica Mint
Source: Mincovňa Kremnica (Kremnica Mint), state-owned

  • Ján Chryzostom Cardinal Korec – Christ the Light of the World (Archbishop
    of Nitra)
    (Dr.h.c. doc. academic sculptor Alexander Vika)

Ordered by: Peter Korec
cast bronze, one-sided
140 x 140 mm x 10 mm

The plaque was exhibited at the FIDEM XXXVII (Fédération Internationale de la Médaille d’Art) World Medallists’ Congress in Florence 2023

With his artistic abstract rendering of the portrait of Father Cardinal Korec, the author has expressed his idea of the hardships that accompanied his life; behind the portrait he sees a man, a great man, whom he did not want to portray faithfully as in a photograph, but his essence, his personality.
The reverse shows the castle of Nitra and the quotation Christ – the Light of the World is in our midst, lives in the Church in each of our churches and gives Himself to us in the sacraments, especially in the Eucharist. John Chrysostom Cardinal Korec

In 2024 we commemorated the 100th anniversary of his birth.
Ján Chryzostom Korec (* 22 January 1924, Bošany – † 24 October 2015, Nitra)
He carried out his priestly activity secretly, because he did not have official approval from the communist regime. In 1958, the state security became interested in him. He was arrested and on 11 March 1960 he was sentenced to 12 years in prison for treason. He was imprisoned in Prague at Pankrác, Ruzyně, Valdice, Leopoldov and Ilava. He was released from prison in 1968. After his release from prison, he worked in various worker jobs until his retirement in 1984. Alongside this, however, he continued his priestly ministry, although still without the consent of the state authorities. He became a pillar of the so-called secret church in Slovakia. He received his official episcopal insignia in 1969, 18 years after his consecration as bishop, at an audience with Pope Paul VI. After 1990 he was able to return to the official exercise of his mission, when he became rector of the Bratislava seminary, on 6 February 1990 Pope John Paul II appointed him as the resident bishop in Nitra and shortly afterwards, on 28 June 1991, he appointed him a cardinal, in which capacity he served in accordance with the Code of Canon Law until he reached the age of 75 in 1999.án_Chryzostom_Korec

Alexander Vika is one of the most respected medallists in chamber art. He was one of the first to bring abstraction to monumental sculpture.
Alexander Vika was born on May 10, 1933 in Bratislava, in 2023 he celebrated the 90th anniversary of his birth.
As a graduate of an art school, where he worked in ceramics, he began studying at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava in 1953, graduating in 1959 from the relief sculpture department under Professor Rudolf Pribiš.
He worked as a teacher at the Faculty of Pedagogy of Comenius University in Trnava (1965-1985), at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Slovak Technical University (SVŠT, now Slovak Technical University – STU) in Bratislava (1986-1990), at the Department of Industrial Design of the Faculty of Architecture of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava (1990-2002), and since 2002 also at the Department of Design of the Faculty of Industrial Technology in Púchov of the Trenčín University of Alexander Dubček (Trenčín University).
He applied the principles of abstraction in his monumental work as early as in the 1960s. He realized, for example, the Flame memorial in Nemecká, the Three Grain spikes sculpture in Nitra, the Slovak National Uprising memorial in Badín, the Youth sculpture in front of the Junior Hotel in Bratislava, or the relief Klub mladej rodiny (Young Family Club) in Bratislava.
His relief and medal work is also extensive, as is his small sculptures.
He is the author of three reliefs of prominent Slovak diplomats active in the Czech-Slovak foreign service: Milan Rastislav Štefánik, Štefan Osuský and Ján Papánek.
His work as a medallist has also gained high recognition in the context of international art events.
In 2001, for his lifelong work in the field of medal making and sculpture, as well as for his exceptional merits in the development of scientific and pedagogical activities, the Scientific Council of the Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín awarded him the honorary scientific rank of Doctor Honoris Causa.

  • Enthronement medal of the Archbishop of Prague Jan Graubner (Karel Zeman)

PEGAS-SLUŽBY a. s., Czech Numismatic Society branches in Kroměříž and Brno
Česká mincovna, a.s. (Embossed inscription on the edge was made by Kremnica Mint)
struck, two-sided
37 mm, 50 mm, 70 mm
Au proof – 37 mm, 50 mm
Ag – 37 mm proof (60 pcs), 50 mm proof (50 pcs), patinated (30 pcs), 70 mm patinated (30 pcs)
Tombac – 50 mm patinated (40 pcs), glossy (20 pcs), proof (20 pcs), 70 mm patinated (40 pcs), glossy ducat (20 pcs)

Commemorative medal for the appointment of Father Archbishop mons. Jan Graubner as Archbishop of Prague and Primate of Bohemia
Jan Graubner came from a family of entrepreneurs that was persecuted during the communist regime.

Obverse of the medal with a dominant portrait of the 37th Archbishop of Prague and 25th Primate of the Czech Republic, with the date of enthronement 13.5.2022 and the archbishop’s emblem
The reverse of the medal depicts the Cathedral of St. Vitus, Wenceslas and Vojtech as the seat church of the Prague Archdiocese from the east. Above it, St. Wenceslas, with a banner with the St. Wenceslas eagle in a protective gesture, is leaning as the founder and protector of the cathedral and patron of the Czech land. The crown chamber with the crown jewels is located in the cathedral above the St. Wenceslas Chapel. And the Archbishop of Prague is one of the holders of the keys to these jewels. Karel Zeman, the leading contemporary Czech medallist, symbolically expressed here the connection of the Archbishopric of Prague with the Czech land.
The Archbishop’s motto on the edge of the medal QUOD DIXERIT VOBIS, FACITE (What he tells you, do), which are the words of the Virgin Mary at the wedding in Cana of Galilee, the vessels in Jan Graubner’s emblem also refer to this biblical scene.

Source: photo Peter Kočvara, text Juliana Boublíková Jahnová

Poll prizes
From all voters with a valid email address, we randomly selected winners who received the exciting prizes donated to the poll by: Mincovňa Kremnica, š. p., Česká mincovna SK, s.r.o., Medailérsky klub, o.z., Numizmatika Kremnica s.r.o., NUMIZMATIK.EU (Design-Atelier s.r.o., Kremnica)
Thank you!

Cena do ankety (venovala Mincovňa Kremnica, š. p.):

  • 2x Michal Miloslav Hodža – Štúrovci (Mgr. art. Martin Sabol)

Mincovňa Kremnica, š.p.
razená, obojstranná
34 mm – PROOF pozlátený tombak MS90 (19,4 g)

Séria pamätných medailí venovaná skupine Štúrovcov, hlavnému prúdu slovenského národného hnutia v polovici 19. storočia, nazvanej podľa jej hlavného predstaviteľa Ľudovíta Štúra. Najvýznamnejšími členmi tohto hnutia boli: Ľudovít Štúr, Samo Chalupka, Andrej Sládkovič, Janko Kráľ, Ján Botto, Janko Matúška, Michal Miloslav Hodža a Jozef Miloslav Hurban.
Na medailách série sú postupne zobrazení všetci spomínaní predstavitelia tohto hnutia. Ako druhý bude na medaile zobrazený Michal Miloslav Hodža.

Vyhotovenie 34 mm – PROOF pozlátený tombak MS90 (19,4 g)

Ďalšie vyhotovenia medaily (nie sú cena do ankety):
Striebro Ag 999/1000 (20 g, náklad 300 ks)
23 mm – Au 999/1000 (7,7 g, náklad 200 ks)

Cena do ankety (venovala Mincovňa Kremnica, š. p.):

  • 2x Ladislav Medňanský (Branislav Ronai)

Mincovňa Kremnica, š.p.
razená, obojstranná
80 mm, ~280 g
patinovaný tombak MS90

Séria pamätných medailí predstavujúca najznámejších slovenských maliarov všetkých dôb. Medaila bola vyrazená v atypickom priemere a veľkosti. Medaila z edície ‚,Velikáni slovenského maliarstva‘‘ s motívom predstaviteľa impresionizmu, Ladislava Medňanského. Narodil sa v roku 1852 v Beckove. Bol krajinárom európskeho významu. Jeho krajinárske maľby sa vyznačujú melanchóliou, nostalgiou a majstrovským zachytením svetla.

Cena do ankety (venovala Česká mincovna SK, s.r.o.):

  • Strieborná minca Dóm sv. Alžbety – Zdvojené točité schodisko SK proof (Lenka Nebeská, DiS.)

Česká mincovna, a.s.
Autor Lenka Nebeská, DiS.
300 ks, číslovaná emisia
Striebro 999/1000
16 g, 34 mm
Certifikát, čierne kožené etui
Niue, 1 NZD

Dóm sv. Alžbety
Na záverečnej striebornej minci Českej mincovne zo štvordielnej minisérie, ktorá vzdáva hold košickej katedrále, nájdete vyobrazenie zdvojeného točitého schodiska.
Gotické schodisko samo osebe nepredstavuje veľkú vzácnosť. Točité schodisko totiž nie je ničím výnimočným. Ale gotické točité schodisko je architektonickou raritou – tým skôr, že je zdvojené. Prvé takéto schodisko vzniklo v Košiciach – v Katedrále svätej Alžbety. Pravotočivé a ľavotočivé schodiská sa vinú okolo seba a päťkrát sa pretínajú. Zatiaľ čo západné rameno vedie až do podkrovia katedrály, východným sa dá vystúpiť do empory – galérie s výhľadom, kde pri návšteve omše sedávali králi a kde sa vystavovala relikvia Kristovej krvi, ku ktorej po schodoch prúdili davy pútnikov. Schody sa prezývajú „kráľovské“, ale majú aj iné mená. Sú známe ako „schody milencov“, a to pre romantickú tradíciu, keď každý z dvoch zamilovaných začne výstup po svojom vlastnom schodisku, ale nakoniec sa aj tak stretnú. Ďalším názvom sú „schody očistenia“ – podľa povesti je človek, ktorý vystúpi po ľavom schodisku, očistený od hriechov, ale dolu musí zostúpiť po pravom schodisku, aby sa naňho zlé skutky znovu nenalepili…
Medailérka Lenka Nebeská, DiS., venovala reverznú stranu mince pohľadu do južnej časti dómu, kde sa nachádza schodisko ozdobené celým radom lomených oblúkov. Kompozíciu reverzu dotvára slovenský opis ZDVOJENÉ TOČITÉ SCHODISKO. Pretože ide o mincu vydávanú v zahraničnej licencii ostrova Niue, nesie averzná strana nevyhnutné atribúty tohto emitenta – meno a portrét kráľovnej Alžbety II., nominálnu hodnotu 1 DOLLAR a rok emisie 2022. To všetko dopĺňajú gotické ornamenty.
Mince s motívmi Dómu svätej Alžbety si môžete uložiť do zberateľského etui, ktoré rovnako nájdete v ponuke Českej mincovne.

Cena do ankety (venovala Česká mincovna SK, s.r.o.):

  • Strieborná medaila Doba Karola IV. – Karlov most proof (MgA. Josef Oplištil)

Zberateľská séria Obdobie Karola IV.
Česká mincovna, a.s.
Autor MgA. Josef Oplištil
Náklad 2000 ks
Striebro 999/1000
10 g, 30 mm
Certifikát, čierne kožené etui

Doba Karola IV. To je názov ďalšej mimoriadnej tematickej série, ktorú pripravila pre zberateľov nadšených drahými kovmi a národnou históriou Česká mincovňa. Séria zahŕňa tri motívy, ktoré sú spracované na strieborných pamätných medailách a zlatých dukátoch. Každý z nich predstavuje jeden zo vznešených symbolov karolínskej doby – Katedrálu svätého Víta, Karlštejn a Karlov most.
Všetky tri toľko obdivované stavby inicioval práve Karol IV. Hoci bol cisárom a rímskym kráľom, nemeckým, lombardským a arelátskym kráľom, cítil sa predovšetkým českým kráľom. Toto poslanie plnil celý svoj život s veľkým nasadením sprevádzaný hlbokou a pevnou vierou. Za jeho vlády preto vyrástlo mnoho úchvatných cirkevných stavieb. Zaslúžil sa o to, že sa Praha stala v čase jeho panovania hlavným mestom Svätej ríše rímskej a jej sláva nezhasla ani po storočiach. Za svoje zásluhy pre české krajiny získal na veky prezývku Otec vlasti.
Karlov most spája Staré Mesto s Malou Stranou. Je dlhý cez pol kilometra a tvorí ho 16 oblúkov. Na začiatku mosta je z Malej Strany väčšia a menšia malostranská mostová veža, zo strany Starého Mesta potom Staromestská mostová veža. Pamiatka je unikátnou umeleckou galériou pod šírym nebom, most je zdobený 30 prevažne barokovými súsošiami, z ktorých najstarší je Ján Nepomucký z roku 1683, ktorý má Prahu chrániť pred povodňami. Umučené telo práve Jána Nepomuckého bolo z mosta v roku 1393 zvrhnuté na príkaz Václava IV. V mieste zvrhnutia sa na kamennom zábradlí nachádza preslávený kovový krížik.
V priestore, kde most stojí, býval najprv priechod cez zviazané klady. Z 10. storočia sú už doklady o drevenom moste. Ten však zle odolával väčšej vode. Vladislav II. teda nechal postaviť okolo roku 1170 kamenný most, ktorý niesol meno Juditin. Ani ten však neodolal povodni v roku 1342. Do dnešného dňa sa z Juditinho mosta zachoval románsky reliéf vnútri menšej malostranskej veže.
Základný kameň súčasného Karlovho mosta položil kráľ v roku 1357 a na jeho stavbu prizval architekta Petra Parlera, ktorý svoj nezmazateľný rukopis vtlačil aj do Katedrály sv. Víta či Staromestskej mostovej veže. Most pôvodne známy ako Kamenný či Pražský sa staval z pieskovcových kvádrov a bol dokončený v roku 1402. Bol to jediný pražský most cez Vltavu až do roku 1845. Meno po Karolovi IV. nesie až od roku 1870.
Plastika Karlovho mosta vyobrazená na averze medaily ponúka pohľad na pamiatku v nečakanej perspektíve – od Staromestskej mostovej veže v popredí až po obe mostové veže na Malej Strane. Reverzu potom dominuje portrét panovníka obklopeného slávnymi stavbami, na ktoré dal za svojej vlády podnet. Nápis na reverze uvádza názov série a tiež letopočty kráľovho narodenia a úmrtia. Autorom predlohy je vyhlásený český medailér MgA. Josef Oplištil. Pamätná medaila z rýdzeho striebra bude vyrazená v limitovanej sérii 2000 ks.

Cena do ankety (venovala Česká mincovna SK, s.r.o.):

  • Strieborná minca Slovenské národné divadlo (Pavlína Patočková)

Česká mincovna, a.s.
28 mm
striebro 999 (proof)
1000 ks
13 g

Cena do ankety (venoval Medailérsky klub, o.z.):

  • Knieža Pribina / Pribinove slávnosti v Nitre 1933-2023 (Ján Koniarek 1933) 

V roku 2023 si Medailérsky klub, o.z. aktualizovanou reedíciou uctil 90. výročie ikonickej medaily s mimoriadne vysokým reliéfom Pribinove slávnosti v Nitre 1933 k 1100. výročiu založenia a vysvätenia Pribinovho kostola v Nitre, od zakladateľa slovenského moderného sochárstva Jána Koniareka.
Pribina Dux Slovacorum Nitriae Fundau.Et / Adalramus Consecravit Ecclesiam = DCCCXXXIII – 1933.2023
(Slovenské knieža Pribina staval v Nitre a /(arcibiskup) Adalramus posvätil kostol DCCCXXXIII – 1933.2023)

– patinovaný tombak MS90, certifikát, etue
– razba Mincovňa Kremnica, š.p., 2023
– Ø 70 mm, hrúbka ~13 mm, výška reliéfu ~6 mm

Vyrazené boli s týmito parametrami:
– patinovaný tombak MS90 – celkovo 90 ks (~255 g)
– meď Cu – 33 ks
– postriebrený tombak AgMS90 – 33 ks
– pozlátený tombak AuMS90 – 33 ks
– striebro Ag 999/1000 – 33 ks (~285 g)

Z toho 23 ks v kompletnej sade so všetkými 5 vyhotoveniami.

Číslované na hrane a certifikáte, značená vlisovaným nápisom na hrane hore “MINCOVŇA KREMNICA”, naľavo “ MEDAILÉRSKY KLUB” a dole # číslovanie medaily, značka mincovne a vročenie 2023.

Video medaily

Ďalšie foto ostatných vyhotovení na

Cena do ankety (venoval Medailérsky klub, o.z.):

  • Marián Polonský, 80 rokov (Štefan Novotný, Ing. Peter Kočvara)

Medailérsky klub, o.z.
Mincovňa Kremnica, š.p., 2023
razená, obojstranná

Verzia 80 mm s rovnou hranou (číslované # 21-40):
– patinovaný postriebrený tombak (náklad 20 ks)
– hmotnosť ~360 g, hrúbka hrany ~8 mm
Uložené v bežnej konfekčnej etue so samolepkou s logom

Umelecká realizácia modelu kremnický medailér Štefan Novotný (1954), iniciátor, ideový návrh a konzultácie Peter Kočvara (1977), Medailérsky klub, o.z..

Vlisovaný nápis na hrane hore “MINCOVŇA KREMNICA”, naľavo “ MEDAILÉRSKY KLUB” a dole # číslovanie medaily, značka mincovne a vročenie 2023.

Cena do ankety (venovala Numizmatika Kremnica s.r.o.):

  • 2x Strieborná medaila Bratislava (Drahomír Zobek)

Strieborná medaila s motívom Bratislavy v prevedení patina.
Na medaile sa nachádza vyobrazenie Bratislavského hradu a detail z Viedenskej obrázkovej kroniky zo 14. storočia – obrancovia hradu navrtávajú lode cisára Henricha III. r. 1052.
Strieborná medaila je umiestnená v krabičke s certifikátom
Materiál: Ag 925/1000
Hmotnosť: 18,7 g
Priemer: 34 mm
Autor: Drahomír Zobek
Limit: 300 ks, číslované
Vyrazila: Numizmatika Kremnica s.r.o.

Cena do ankety (venovala Numizmatika Kremnica s.r.o.):

3x Mosadzná medaila Bratislava (Drahomír Zobek)

Materiál: Mosadz
Prevedenie: obojstranná medaila
Priemer: 34 mm
Autor: Drahomír Zobek
Realizácia: Numizmatika Kremnica

Mosadzná medaila s motívom Bratislavy v prevedení lesk.
Na medaile sa nachádza vyobrazenie Bratislavského hradu a detail z Viedenskej obrázkovej kroniky zo 14. storočia – obrancovia hradu navrtávajú lode cisára Henricha III. r. 1052.

Cena do ankety (venoval NUMIZMATIK.EU (Design-Atelier s.r.o., Kremnica):

  • Strieborná minca 10 € (2024) – Podanie správy o nacistických vyhladzovacích táboroch Auschwitz a Birkenau – 80.výročiePROOF (akad. soch. Ivan Řehák)

Minca v proofovej kvalite (PROOF)
Autor: akad. soch. Ivan Řehák
Materiál: Ag 900, Cu 100
Hmotnosť: 18 g
Priemer: 34 mm
Výrobca: Mincovňa Kremnica, š. p.
Rytec: Dalibor Schmidt
Náklad: 13 500 kusov v proof vyhotovení
Emisia: 17.4.2024

– minca bez patiny
– top bublinka bez škrabancov
– v modrej etui s certifikátom
– informačný leták

Strieborná zberateľská eurominca v nominálnej hodnote 10 eur

80. výročie podania Správy o nacistických vyhladzovacích táboroch Auschwitz a Birkenau Alfrédom Wetzlerom a Rudolfom Vrbom
Alfréd Wetzler a Rudolf Vrba boli jedni z prvých, komu sa z tábora podarilo ujsť a informovať svet o hrôzach vyvražďovania.

Správa, ktorú Vrba a Wetzler napísali, sa stala jedným z najdôležitejších dokumentov 20. storočia. Jej text bol preložený do viacerých jazykov. Svetu odhalila vyvražďovací mechanizmus táborového komplexu Auschwitz.
Alfréd Wetzler a Rudolf Vrba preukázali obrovskú odvahu a riskovali svoje životy, aby priniesli informáciu o najväčšom tábore smrti v histórii ľudstva.

Cena do ankety (venoval NUMIZMATIK.EU (Design-Atelier s.r.o., Kremnica):

  • Strieborná minca 10 € (2024) – Podanie správy o nacistických vyhladzovacích táboroch Auschwitz a Birkenau – 80.výročieBK (akad. soch. Ivan Řehák)

Minca v bankovej kvalite (BK)
Autor: akad. soch. Ivan Řehák
Materiál: Ag 900, Cu 100
Hmotnosť: 18 g
Priemer: 34 mm
Výrobca: Mincovňa Kremnica, š. p.
Rytec: Dalibor Schmidt
Náklad: 5 800 kusov v bežnom vyhotovení
13 500 kusov v proof vyhotovení
Emisia: 17.4.2024

– minca bez patiny
– top bublinka bez škrabancov
– informačný leták

Strieborná zberateľská eurominca v nominálnej hodnote 10 eur 80. výročie podania Správy o nacistických vyhladzovacích táboroch Auschwitz a Birkenau Alfrédom Wetzlerom a Rudolfom Vrbom
Alfréd Wetzler a Rudolf Vrba boli jedni z prvých, komu sa z tábora podarilo ujsť a informovať svet o hrôzach vyvražďovania.

Správa, ktorú Vrba a Wetzler napísali, sa stala jedným z najdôležitejších dokumentov 20. storočia. Jej text bol preložený do viacerých jazykov. Svetu odhalila vyvražďovací mechanizmus táborového komplexu Auschwitz.
Alfréd Wetzler a Rudolf Vrba preukázali obrovskú odvahu a riskovali svoje životy, aby priniesli informáciu o najväčšom tábore smrti v histórii ľudstva.

Výhercovia losovania cien

Výhercovia boli kontaktovaní. Srdečne gratulujeme!

Výber prebiehal randomizovaným spôsobom v exceli pred zrakmi všetkých prítomných na vyhlasovaní. 

Statute of the Medal of the Year Award

1. Definition of the award/label:
– Medal of the Year

2. Organizer:
– Medailérsky klub, non-profit organisation

3. Medal Nomination Conditions:
– medal has been issued/created in the given year
– by a Slovak author or made in Slovakia or with a Slovak theme,
– multiple identical pieces were created (by striking/minting, casting, …)

Definition of a medal for the purposes of the poll/competition:
– dimensions min. 37 mm and max. 200 mm in one dimension,
– it is not a coin (legal tender with currency and denomination),
– a table medal (not hanging on a ribbon)

4. Medal of the Year Committee
4.1 The Medal of the Year Committee (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Committee’) is a body composed of experts and professionals
4.2 The purpose of the Commission is to act as an expert advisory body, in the selection of the nominations submitted and in the actual voting for the Medal of the Year.
5. Process:
– 1. nomination submissions, 2. selection of nominations for voting, 3. voting/poll, 4. evaluation of winner(s)

5.1 Proposals for nominations
Anyone can submit their nomination proposals. The nomination must include the required details with at least the following information necessary for proper identification of the medal, together with an accompanying photograph of the obverse and reverse, if applicable:
– name of the medal, name of author(s), manufacturer, customer, material(s) (all known variants – designs and finishes, such as patinated tombac, silver-plated tombac, bronze, silver, copper, …), mintage (number of pieces), dimensions (in mm), method of production (striking/minting, casting, …), as well as additional information such as a description of the medal or other interesting information.

Proposals can be sent in the manner specified by the organiser (online form, e-mail). The organizer reserves the right to request additional data or better photographs, as well as at its discretion not to consider all nominations, especially if they do not contain the required elements, even without giving a reason.

5.2 Selection of nominations for voting
From all the nominations submitted, the organiser or the committee shall select, at its discretion, the entries for voting. According to the nominations sent in, the organiser/commission reserves the right to create individual categories of medals (according to size, production technique, etc.).

5.3 Voting
Voting consists of a public vote/poll and a vote of the committee. Anyone can vote in the public vote/poll and only once, repeated answers will not be taken into account.
Voting is done remotely by means of an online form and it is necessary to fill in the e-mail address and the required data.

5.4 Evaluation of the winner(s)
The winner(s) in each category will be selected based on the number of votes cast by the public and the committee, either according to a specified proportional key or separately.

6. Other
6.1 Prizes
The competition may award prizes of value to the voting participants; these prizes are not claimable, the organiser will select the winners at its discretion in an anonymous manner (by draw/computer) and the organiser will not consider any objections. Prizes of a value not exceeding EUR 350 per prize or prize are exempt from the Income Tax Act.

7. Final provisions
By participating in this survey, each participant agrees to the terms and conditions set forth herein or elsewhere in the survey.
The Organiser reserves the right to set the conditions for nominations for medals or the selection of candidates for the committee, to judge whether the conditions have been met in accordance with these statutes, and is not obliged to take into account any comments at its discretion.


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Medailérsky klub

Medailérsky klub
Občianske združenie so zameraním na medaily a medailérstvo. Prostriedky získané z našej činnosti používame znova na podporu vzniku medailí a aktivít spojených s nimi. Medailérsky klub bol založený v roku 1980 pri Slovenskej numizmatickej spoločnosti Bratislava a obnovený v roku 2022 ako samostatný subjekt s nasledujúcimi cieľmi:
– vydávanie a rozširovanie medailérskych umeleckých diel,
– propagácia a šírenie dobrého mena slovenského medailérstva, medailérskej tvorby a medailérskej výroby,
– udržiavanie medailérskej tradície a kultúrno-umeleckých hodnôt s tým spojených,
– podporovanie a podnecovanie voľnej medailérskej tvorby

Medailérsky klub, o.z.
Kominárska 142/6, 831 04 Bratislava-Nové Mesto
IČO: 54454522
(-> Iba sídlo a oficiálna korešpondencia. Na kontakt použite prosím nižšie uvedený e-mail, kontaktný formulár alebo sociálne médiá/siete)

-> Sociálne médiá/siete:
Instagram, Facebook, X (Twitter), Youtube, Whatsapp kanál, Whatsapp diskusná skupina, Telegram, Threads, LindedIn

-> Nájdete nás tiež na nasledujúcich portáloch:
ebay, Catawiki, Aukro, Bazoš, NumisDeal, Burza mincí

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